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Preload failed #10503 (SL1/SL1S)

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Last updated 4 years ago
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What happened?

The printer is displaying the message: Image preloader did not finish successfully!

Error name: Preload failed

Error code: #10503

This error shows that the printer was not able to fully load one of the layers in the model.

How to fix it?

This error would cause the print to fail due to a missing or damaged layer. In PrusaSlicer, open the model and check for any failures or missing layers in the Preview. Reslice the model, and try printing it again. You can also try to repair the model using this guide: エラーのある3Dモデル.

If the error is shown again, try to print the model printer's internal memory.

If the error is repeated multiple times, the A64 board might be damaged.

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