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How to replace a Dwarf board (XL single-tool)


How to replace a Dwarf board (XL single-tool)

How to replace a Dwarf board (XL single-tool)
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Last updated a month ago
How to replace a Dwarf board (XL single-tool)
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This guide will take your through the replacement of a Dwarf board on the single-tool version of the Original Prusa XL.
All necessary parts are available in our eshop prusa3d.com.
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
Necessary tools
Necessary tools
Necessary tools
Necessary tools
For the following guide, please prepare:
TX 8 Torx key
Allen key 2.5mm
Needle-nose pliers
A cardboard box to use as a heatbed protection during the procedure. Hint: use the Prusament box.
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
The following step is necessary only if you have filament loaded.
Unload the filament from the hotend. On the screen, navigate to Filament -> Unload Filament.
Cool down the printer to room temperature. On the screen, navigate to Preheat -> Cooldown.
Wait for the printer to fully cool down to room temperature before proceeding further.
Protecting the heatbed
Protecting the heatbed
Before you proceed, it is recommended to protect the heatbed.
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature. Place the empty cardboard box approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Removing covers
Removing covers
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, loosen the M3x12 screw to open the dwarf-cover-door.
Using the TX 8 key, remove the M3x8bT and open the dwarf-cover-back.
Disconnecting cables
Disconnecting cables
Disconnecting cables
Disconnecting cables
Each connector has a safety latch. It is necessary to press the latch before disconnecting. Otherwise, the connector may get damaged.
Disconnect the main cable.
Carefully slide up the dwarf-cover-base.
Disconnect all the remaining connectors from the Dwarf board.
Removing the Dwarf board
Removing the Dwarf board
Removing the Dwarf board
Removing the Dwarf board
Avoid scratching the board with the divots and with the needle-nose pliers.
Using needle-nose pliers, rotate the divots so that they are positioned vertically, and aligned with the holes.
Carefully slide the Dwarf board out.
Assembling the new Dwarf board
Assembling the new Dwarf board
Assembling the new Dwarf board
Assembling the new Dwarf board
Avoid scratching the board with the divots and with the needle-nose pliers.
Carefully insert the Dwarf board through the divots.
Twist the divots using needle-nose pliers.
Connecting cables
Connecting cables
Connecting cables
Connecting cables
Connect the E-axis motor
The main cable will be connected at a later step.
The right-side area connectors have indications
Connect the following cables on the first column from the left, starting from the uppermost connector:
HEAT TH: heatbreak thermsitor
FS: filament sensor
FAN1: print fan
Connecting cables
Connecting cables
Connecting cables
Connecting cables
Connect the hotend heater cable.
Connect the following cables on the rightmost column, starting from the uppermost connector:
HE TH: hotend thermistor
FAN0: heatsink fan
Double-check that all cables are connected and in the correct position, apart from the main cable.
Connecting the main cable
Connecting the main cable
Connecting the main cable
Carefully slide the dwarf-cover-base onto the Dwarf board.
Avoid scratching or damaging the Dwarf board.
Connect the main cable from the top.
Double-check that all cables are connected and in the correct position.
Re-assembling covers
Re-assembling covers
Using the TX 8 key, tighten the M3x8bT to attach the dwarf-cover-back.
Tighten the M3x12 screw and close the dwarf-cover-door.
Avoid pinching any cables.
Remove the cardboard box from the heatbed.
Final check
Final check
To check if everything is connected correctly, navigate to LCD Menu -> Control -> Calibrations & Tests. From that menu, test the following:
Fan Test
Loadcell Test
Nozzle Heaters Test
It's done
It's done
That's it! You successfully replaced the Dwarf board on your single-tool Original Prusa XL.
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