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How to lubricate the coupler pins on Original Prusa XL (Multi-Tool)


How to lubricate the coupler pins on Original Prusa XL (Multi-Tool)

How to lubricate the coupler pins on Original Prusa XL (Multi-Tool)
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Last updated a year ago
How to lubricate the coupler pins on Original Prusa XL (Multi-Tool)
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This guide will take you through the lubricating of the Tool-changer on the Original Prusa XL (Multi-tool).
The following instructions are intended for XL Multi-Tool only.
Before you start with the printer surgery, download and print the required lubricant applicator tc_greaser from Printables.com.
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
For this chapter, please prepare:
Prusa lubricant (1x)
tc_greaser (1x)
Cardboard box at least 20 x 20 cm to protect the heatbed Hint: use the original Nextruder box.
Cloth or piece of fabric or paper towels to clean the parts.
Parking the Nextruder
Parking the Nextruder
Parking the Nextruder
If the tool-changer holds the Nextruder:
On the xLCD, go to Control -> Pick/Park tool -> Park current tool.
Wait for the printer to finish the parking.
If are all your Nextruders parked, proceed to the next step.
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
From the rear side of the printer, turn the power switch OFF (symbol "O").
Move the tool-changer manually to the front side of the printer.
To protect the heatbed, place the nextruder box on it.
Assembling the applicator
Assembling the applicator
Assembling the applicator
Assembling the applicator
Open the lubricant by twisting the lid and turning it 180°. Press the lid through the metal seal to open the lubricant.
Attach the tc_greaser to the Prusa lubricant. Turn clockwise to secure.
Try to squeeze it a little, the lubricant should come out through the holes in the inside of the tc_greaser.
Detaching the Nextruder
Detaching the Nextruder
Detaching the Nextruder
Gently remove the selected Nextruder from the dock.
Place the Nextruder on a box on the heatbed.
Lubricating the coupler screws
Lubricating the coupler screws
Lubricating the coupler screws
Lubricating the coupler screws
Take the lubricant with the applicator.
Lubricate the upper screw by applying the lubricant and gently squeezing the lubricant. After squeezing, rotate the applicator to ensure even distribution of the lubricant.
Repeat the same process for the lower right screw.
Repeat the same process for the lower left screw.
Checking the grease
Checking the grease
Checking the grease
Visually check lubricant levels on each screw, ensuring sufficient coverage. Refer to the provided pictures for comparison.
Pay attention to the screws specifically, avoiding excess application on other parts!
Use a paper towel to thoroughly clean grease from the area around the screws.
Parking the Nextruder
Parking the Nextruder
Parking the Nextruder
Take the Nextruder and line up it with the appropriate dock.
Attach the Nextruder to the dock by sliding two pins into the holes in the dock.
Ensure, the Nextruder is parked correctly.
Proceed with these steps sequentially for the remaining Nextruders.
That's it
That's it
That's it
That's it
Remove the cardboard box from the heatbed.
From the rear side of the printer, turn the power switch ON (symbol "I").
Good job! You successfully lubricate all tool-changers on your printer.
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