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How to replace the hotend fan (XL Multi-tool)


How to replace the hotend fan (XL Multi-tool)

How to replace the hotend fan (XL Multi-tool)
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How to replace the hotend fan (XL Multi-tool)
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This guide will take you through the replacement of the hotend fan on the Original Prusa XL.
Algunas partes pueden ser ligeramente diferentes. Sin embargo, esto no afecta el procedimiento.
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Unloading filament
Unloading filament
Unloading filament
The following step is necessary only if you have filament loaded.
Unload the filament from the hotend. On the screen, navigate to Filament -> Unload Filament.
Cool down the printer to room temperature. On the screen, navigate to Preheat -> Cooldown.
Wait for the printer to fully cool down to room temperature before proceeding further.
Protecting the heatbed
Protecting the heatbed
Before you proceed, it is recommended to protect the heatbed.
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature. Place the empty cardboard box approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
On the printer screen, navigate to Control -> Pick/Park Tool -> Park Current Tool.
Apaga el interruptor (símbolo "O").
Desde la parte posterior de la impresora, desenchufa el cable de la fuente de alimentación.
Undocking the Nextruder
Undocking the Nextruder
Undocking the Nextruder
Retira el Nextruder, tirando de él hacia fuera de los insertos metálicos.
Aunque es de esperar una pequeña resistencia, ya que los insertos metálicos son magnéticos, utiliza una fuerza moderada.
Coloca el Nextruder con cuidado en la caja de cartón.
Disconnecting the Nextruder
Disconnecting the Nextruder
Disconnecting the Nextruder
With Torx T10 screwdriver, loosen the two M3x8rT screws from the black nylon flexible plate, and unhook it from the tool. Don't remove the screws completely.
Unscrew the Festo fitting from the Nextruder or push on the blue collar on top of the fitting and pull out the PTFE tube.
Disconnect the main Dwarf cable.
Cada conector tiene una pestaña de seguridad. Es necesario presionar la pestaña antes de desconectar. De lo contrario, el conector podría dañarse.
Transfer the Nextruder to a safe working space.
Removing the toolchanger board
Removing the toolchanger board
Removing the toolchanger board
Removing the toolchanger board
With Allen key 2.5 mm remove the M3x30 screw of the fan shield.
Remove the M3x8rt screws.
Unplug the toolchanger cable.
Remove the toolchanger.
Mounting the new hotend fan
Mounting the new hotend fan
Attach the hotend fan to the heatsink, and tighten it with two M3x18rT screws.
Mind the orientation of the fan and the position of its cables.
Conectando los cables del Nextruder
Conectando los cables del Nextruder
Conectando los cables del Nextruder
Plug the hotend fan cable into the Dwarf board.
Secure all the cables except for the toolchanger cable with a zip tie.
Be careful not to pinch any wires.
Reattaching the toolchanger
Reattaching the toolchanger
Reattaching the toolchanger
Attach the toolchanger board with the fan shield to the Nextruder.
Secure the fan-shield with a M3x30 screw.
Covering the Dwarf board
Covering the Dwarf board
Covering the Dwarf board
Close the printed Dwarf board cover on the Nextruder.
Secure the Dwarf board cover with a M3x12 screw.
Connecting the nextruder
Connecting the nextruder
Connecting the nextruder
Insert the PTFE tube into the festo connector as far as possible. Slighty tug on the PTFE tube to make sure it's firmly secured.
Plug the Dwarf extruder cable to the Dwarf board.
Slide the black nylon plate onto the two M3x8rT screws in the Cheese board.
Make sure the nylon plate is not twisted.
Tighten the two M3x8rT screws with a Torx T10 key.
Docking the tool
Docking the tool
Docking the tool
Docking the tool
Gira con cuidado la impresora de modo que la parte frontal quede orientada hacia ti.
Coge el Nextruder y colócalo con cuidado junto al dock.
Coloca los dos pines metálicos a través de los orificios blancos del dock. Los imanes te ayudarán a acoplar el Nextruder.
Compruebe que el Sello de la boquilla toca ligeramente la boquilla.
Turn on the printer and run the Selftest.
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