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Cómo limpiar el sensor de filamento lateral (XL)


Cómo limpiar el sensor de filamento lateral (XL)

Cómo limpiar el sensor de filamento lateral (XL)
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Ultima actualización a year ago
Cómo limpiar el sensor de filamento lateral (XL)
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This guide will take you through the disassembly and cleaning of the side filament sensor on the Original Prusa XL.
This guide is valid for all versions of the Original Prusa XL and for filament sensors installed on both sides.
Herramientas necesarias
Herramientas necesarias
Herramientas necesarias
Para esta guía, prepara:
Llave Torx TX8
Llave Allen de 2.5mm
Compressed air - also known as air duster or canned air
Printer preparation
Printer preparation
Printer preparation
Printer preparation
On single-tool XL, unload filament navigating to Filament ->Unload filament.
On multi-tool XL, unload filament from each tool that is attached to the filament sensor assembly.
For each of these tools, navigate to Control ->Pick/Park Tool -> Pick Tool #.
After the tool is picked, navigate to Filament -> Unload filament.
Repeat the unloading procedure for each tool that is attached to the filament sensor assembly.
After all filaments are unloaded, cool down and turn the printer off.
Detaching the side filament sensor
Detaching the side filament sensor
Detaching the side filament sensor
Detaching the side filament sensor
Each of the PTFE tubes on the side filament sensor is secured by a  collet, indicated by the blue arrows.
Push on one of the extruder PTFE tube collets.
At the same time gently pull out the extruder PTFE tube from the filament sensor assembly.
Repeat the procedure for the remaining PTFE tubes.
The filament sensor assembly has a hole indicated by the arrow. Inside the hole is a M3x12 screw.
Insert the 2.5mm Allen key in the hole, and loosen the M3x12 screw, to detach the side filament sensor from the rest of the printer.
Disconnecting the filament sensor cable
Disconnecting the filament sensor cable
The connector has a safety latch. It is necessary to press the latch before disconnecting. Otherwise, the connector may get damaged.
Gently press the latch on the connector to disconnect the filament sensor cable.
Disassembling the side filament sensor
Disassembling the side filament sensor
Disassembling the side filament sensor
Disassembling the side filament sensor
Loosen the M3x8 screws using the 2.5mm Allen key
Identify a small hole in the filament-sensor-insert
Insert an Allen key in the hole and use it as a lever to push up the filament-sensor-insert.
Accessing and cleaning the mechanism
Accessing and cleaning the mechanism
Accessing and cleaning the mechanism
Accessing and cleaning the mechanism
Using the TX 8, loosen the two M3x10rT screws.
Loosen the screws carefully. Avoid scratching the electronic board with the TX 8.
The mechanism is made of three systems of ball, magnet and spring.
Blow canned air into the spaces where the spring is visible to clean the mechanism.
Reassembling the filament sensor side
Reassembling the filament sensor side
Reassembling the filament sensor side
Reassembling the filament sensor side
Using the TX 8, tighten the two M3x10rT screws.
Do not overtighten the screws!
Avoid scratching the electronic board during the procedure.
Push the filament-sensor-insert into the filament-sensor-case
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, tighten the two M3x8 screws.
Reassembling side filament sensor
Reassembling side filament sensor
Reassembling side filament sensor
Reassembling side filament sensor
Plug the filament sensor cable into its connector.
Insert the M3x12 screw using the 2.5mm Allen key through the hole and tighten the screw.
Push each PTFE tube into its slot.
Gently pull each PTFE tube back, this will push out the black collet in the side filament sensor and lock the tube.
Comprobación final
Comprobación final
Comprobación final
For the following step, please prepare a small piece of filament.
Switch the printer on.
On multi-tool XL, navigate to Control ->Pick/Park Tool ->Pick Tool #. Pick one of the tools attached to the affected side filament sensor.
Navigate to Info ->Sensor Info ->Side filament sensor.
From this submenu, the status can be checked. The possible statuses are INS (inserted) and NINS (not inserted).
Insert a piece of filament from the side filament sensor.
Check if the status changes from NINS to INS and vice versa according to the filament insertion.
On multi-tool XL, navigate to Control ->Pick/Park Tool ->Park Current Tool. Repeat the step for each of the tools attached to the same side filament sensor.
¡Ya está!
¡Ya está!
That's it, good job! You just successfully cleaned the filament sensor mechanism on your Original Prusa XL.
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