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How to set up a Buddy Cam


How to set up a Buddy Cam

How to set up a Buddy Cam
Ostatnia aktualizacja 6 hours ago
How to set up a Buddy Cam
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XL: parts preparation
XL: parts preparation
XL: parts preparation
XL: parts preparation
Do tej instrukcji przygotuj:
Fixing-card (1x)
M3x10 screw (3x)
Frame-clip (2x)
XL-Cam-holder (1x)
XL-frame-holder (1x)
CoreXY & frame holder preparation
CoreXY & frame holder preparation
CoreXY & frame holder preparation
Attach the XL-cam-holder to the XL-frame-holder and secure it with one M3x10 screw using a 2.5 mm Allen key. Do not overtighten the screw!
Using a T10 Torx screwdriver, remove the M3x8bT from the frame. Don't throw the screw away!
Frame clip preparation
Frame clip preparation
Frame clip preparation
Frame clip preparation
From the outside of the right XY core, insert one frame-clip into the extrusion and rotate it by 90° clockwise. Hint: use the Needle-nose pliers to rotate the frame-clip.
Insert the second frame-clip with the same process.
Using a fixing-card, align the frame-clips on the left side of the extrusion.
Frame holder securing
Frame holder securing
Frame holder securing
Frame holder securing
Attach the prepared XL-frame-holder and attach it onto the frame-clips.
Secure the XL-frame-holder with two M3x10 using a 2.5 mm Allen key. Do not overtighten the screws!
Insert and secure the M3x8bT screw using a T10 Torx screwdriver. Do not overtighten the screw!
Buddy cam securing
Buddy cam securing
Buddy cam securing
Buddy cam securing
Align the Buddy3D cam with the XL-cam-holder as in the picture.
While holding the XL-frame-holder from the right side, attach the Buddy cam to the XL-cam-holder.
Turn the Buddy3D cam 90° clockwise to secure it in its position.
Connect the camera with a USB-C cable.
Frame holder securing
Frame holder securing
Frame holder securing
Frame holder securing
Attach the XL-cam-holder to the XL-ENC-frame-holder and secure it with one M3x10 screw using a 2.5 mm Allen key. Do not overtighten the screw!
Open the lid.
Attach the prepared XL-ENC-frame-holder to the upper left corner inside the XL Enclosure.
Secure the XL-ENC-frame-holder with two M3x10 screws using a 2.5 mm Allen key. Do not overtighten the screw!
Buddy cam securing
Buddy cam securing
Buddy cam securing
Align the Buddy3D cam with the XL-cam-holder as in the picture.
Attach the Buddy3D cam to the XL-cam-holder and turn the Buddy3D cam 90° clockwise to secure it in its position.
Connect the camera with a USB-C cable.
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