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PrusaLink / Prusa Connect with RPi 3/4 USB (MK2.5/S MK3/S/+)

PrusaLink / Prusa Connect with RPi 3/4 USB (MK2.5/S MK3/S/+)

PrusaLink / Prusa Connect with RPi 3/4 USB (MK2.5/S MK3/S/+)
Last updated 9 months ago
PrusaLink / Prusa Connect with RPi 3/4 USB (MK2.5/S MK3/S/+)
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In this guide, we will get PrusaLink running on the full Raspberry Pi 3/4 board and connect it to your MK2.5/S or MK3/S/+ printer using USB

If you want to use PrusaLink with the smaller RPi Zero connected via GPIO, use another printer type or just crave for more info, visit the Prusa Connect and PrusaLink explained article.
PrusaLink enables your Original Prusa MK3/S/+ printer to be connected to a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network and be managed remotely via Prusa Connect.
If you prefer a wired network, there is an Ethernet port you can use.

This guide is intended for experienced users.

Parts preparation: Raspberry Pi
Parts preparation: Raspberry Pi
Parts preparation: Raspberry Pi
For the following steps, please get:

Raspberry Pi (RPi) model 3, 3+ or 4 board.

Make sure you are getting the original Raspberry Pi. This guide isn't covering any other fruit alternatives like Banana Pi, Orange Pi, etc.

Raspberry Pi case of your choice. (you can for example print one from Printables.com)
Corresponding Raspberry Pi power supply. (Pi model 3 uses microUSB while the model 4 uses USB-C plug)
MicroSD card. (8GB or larger SDHC card, Class10, preferably a name brand one)
USB A to USB B cable. (supplied with your printer)
Preparing necessary software
Preparing necessary software
Preparing necessary software
Preparing necessary software

Raspberry Pi Imager を raspberrypi.org/software からダウンロードし、インストールする。

PrusaLink SD card imageからダウンロードしてください。
The latest releases are always available at Github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Link/releases
Look for the Assets under the latest release. The image file has a filename such as "prusalink-0.7.2.img.xz".

Raspberry Pi Imagerを開く。CHOOSE OSを押し、Use Customに移動し、ダウンロードしたPrusaLink SDカードイメージファイルを選択します。

「CHOOSE STORAGE(ストレージを選択)」をクリックし、マイクロSDカードを選択します。
まだWRITEボタンは押さないように! Wi-Fiの設定などが先です。
Pi ImagerでSDカードを設定します。
Pi ImagerでSDカードを設定します。
Pi ImagerでSDカードを設定します。
Choose to EDIT the OS Customisation settings.

ホスト名を設定することができます。好ましくは、指定されたプリンターに固有のホスト名、例えばgertruda.localを使用します - 特殊文字を含まないプレーンテキストのみを使用します。

ホスト名があれば、プリンタのIPアドレスを覚える必要がなく、ブラウザにhttp://gertruda.local と入力するだけで簡単にプリンタにアクセスできるようになります。PrusaLink.localのホスト名をデフォルトのままにしておくと、1つのネットワークで同じホスト名を使用しているプリンタを区別するのが難しくなる場合があります。ホスト名を覚えておくと、後で簡単に変更したり表示したりできなくなります。


Pi Imager 2でSDカードをセットアップする
Pi Imager 2でSDカードをセットアップする
Pi Imager 2でSDカードをセットアップする
Configure wireless LAN ( Wi-Fi ) if you plan to use the wireless network.
SSID(使用するローカル Wi-Fi ネットワークの名前)とパスワードを設定します。
Pi Imagerアプリの指示にのみ従ってください。microSDカードとそのフォーマットに関するOSの通知があっても従わないでください。
Inserting the SD card
Inserting the SD card
Inserting the SD card
Insert the microSD card with PrusaLink image into the Raspberry Pi.
Install the Raspberry Pi into a protective cover.
Connecting the RPi to the printer
Connecting the RPi to the printer
Connecting the RPi to the printer
Connecting the RPi to the printer
Take the USB-A to USB-B cable.
Connect the USB-A part into one of the USB ports on the Raspberry Pi.
Connect the USB-B part into the top of the electronics box on the printer.
Setting the printer up
Setting the printer up
Setting the printer up

On the printer, visit the menu > Support, scroll down to check that you have firmware version 3.10.1 or newer. If not, please upgrade your firmware to the latest version (3.10.1 and up)

Go to the menu > Settings > RPi port and make sure it is set to OFF

The RPi port setting must be OFF if you’re connecting the RPi using USB. To use RPi Zero connected to GPIO, it must be set to ON.
Wait for a moment until the Raspberry Pi boots up.

PrusaLinkが起動する前に、LCDに "RPi Booting... "または "Starting Prusa Link "のメッセージが表示されるはずです。

Setting the printer up
Setting the printer up
Setting the printer up
Setting the printer up


This IP address is available on your local network only and might change over time according to your network setup.
If the LCD shows NO IP, it means you may have poor signal or other network issues. Try moving the printer closer to the Wi-Fi access point.
LCDにNO LAN ACCESS または、他のネットワークエラーが表示された場合は、手順9に戻り、Wi-Fi設定をやり直してください。

If you have trouble with the wireless network, you can use the wired Ethernet connection. PrusaLink will then prefer the wired network over the Wi-Fi.


先にホスト名を設定した場合、http://yourhostname.local としてプリンタにアクセスできる場合があります。

PrusaLink Wizardのサイトがブラウザで開きます。Setup credentials|NEXTをクリックします。



PrusaLinkウィザード - 認証
PrusaLinkウィザード - 認証
This username and password will later be used to access PrusaLink directly, to get to the printer's own website, without having to be logged into Prusa Connect or even without the Internet connection.
Hit Printer Info | NEXT
PrusaLink ウィザード - 再生
PrusaLink ウィザード - 再生


Save printer and link with Connect I NEXT を押します。
If you plan to use PrusaLink over the local network only - without the Prusa Connect cloud service or an internet connectivity, you can select Save printer|NEXT instead.
今、Prusa Connectのサイトを見ているところです。
Confirm the details and hit ADD PRINTER
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Printing a file from PrusaLink
From now on, to print a file over the local network using PrusaLink, simply open PrusaLink by typing the IP address into the web browser. Log in using the credentials you set in the Wizard.
Log in using the credentials you have set in the Wizard.
Select or drop in a G-Code file into the marked area.
Navigate to Storage and open up file details for the just uploaded file.
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Printing a file from PrusaLink
Hit Start Print
Verify in person, that the printer is ready to print and Confirm that the printing sheet is empty and clean.
From now on, you can observe the print progress in PrusaLink.
Printing a file from Prusa Connect
Printing a file from Prusa Connect
Printing a file from Prusa Connect
Printing a file from Prusa Connect
To print a file using Prusa Connect, open up connect.prusa3D.com, navigate to printer details page.
Select or drop in a G-code file.
In the Latest file uploads section, select Copy to printer and print. Verify the printer is ready to print. Confirm the steel sheet is clean and empty. The file will be copied over from Prusa Connect cloud onto the printer (PrusaLink).
Once the file is copied over to the printer, it will start printing.
Prusa Connect によるファイル管理
Prusa Connect によるファイル管理
If you navigate to the Printer files section for the given printer, there are two tabs:
Prusa Connect storage shows the files stored on the cloud. These can be copied over and printed on any of the printers in Prusa Connect.
PrusaLink g-codes shows local files on the given printer (stored on the RPi microSD card). These can be printed immediately.
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