Before you begin, scroll down to the spool holder section. If you are missing the PTFE holders, print them now. If you wait until that step, you'll have to pause, because the next step after that has you dissassemble the Nextruder.
The PTFE clips are not needed until section 7, the buffer spool assembly, which is when you need all the other printed parts that are printed in the same batch with the PTFE clips. So for anybody wondering about this, don't worry.
There is no spool holder section on this page to scroll to, and no mention of PTFE holders. I expect that I will eventually need all the printed parts, and am printing each gcode file in the order the parts are needed. After the Unit2 file, I will need Unit1 before anything else, just to finish the steps in this section. Your comment sent me on a fruitless search.