PrusaSlicer lets you define different regions of your model to be printed with a different layer height and automatically smooth the transition between them. This can result in…
In 3D printing (and modeling, animation and more), objects are represented by their outer shell. This shell is represented as a triangle mesh. It’s possible to have several meshes…
When you import multiple models or create many instances of the same model, arranging them on the print bed could be very time-consuming. PrusaSlicer features an auto-arrange tool…
Copy & paste You can select one or more models and copy/paste them using the buttons in the top toolbar or with the familiar shortcuts: Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + V Paste Object copies…
All the actions accessible from the 3D editor view are undoable including object selection, actions at the sidebar (adding modifiers, changing their attributes) with the exception…
PrusaSlicer lets you search for a parameter to quickly access a particular settings page and parameter field. The search is accessible from both the Plater top toolbar and from…