Some options will only appear when Expert mode is selected. Layer height Height of the individual slices/thickness of each layer. Layer height is the main factor affecting both: print…
3D printers work by laying layer over layer of plastic to create a 3D object. Each new layer must be supported by the one beneath it. If part of your model starts in mid-air and…
PrusaSlicer offers many infill patterns to choose from. When choosing an infill pattern, these are the main things to consider: Print speed Density per material used (better support…
The main purpose of infill is to provide internal support for top layers, which would otherwise have to bridge over empty space. Infill also affects the speed of printing, structural…
Some options will only appear when Expert mode is selected. Skirt The skirt is a printed outline of all of the models on the print bed. It's printed before any of the models and…
What is Ironing and how does it work? It is possible to use the Ironing tool starting from version 2.3.0 of Prusa Slicer. Ironing smooths flat top surfaces by running a special…
The Maximum volumetric speed setting (MVS) is one of the most powerful features in PrusaSlicer. The MVS setting essentially creates a manager for the maximum amount of filament…
Some options will not appear when PrusaSlicer is in Simple mode. Starting from PrusaSlicer version 2.4.0, the feature Fuzzy Skin is available in PrusaSlicer. The Fuzzy skin feature…
Unless you're printing in the Spiral vase mode, each perimeter loop has to start and end somewhere. This start/endpoint creates a potentially visible vertical seam on the side…
This option is not available when PrusaSlicer is in Simple mode. When printing multiple objects at once, you can choose to finish them sequentially, one at a time. This can minimize…