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3. Upgrading to SL1S SPEED


3. Upgrading to SL1S SPEED

3. Upgrading to SL1S SPEED
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Last updated 10 months ago
3. Upgrading to SL1S SPEED
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Boost board: parts preparation
Boost board: parts preparation
Boost board: parts preparation
Boost board: parts preparation
Boost board (1x)
Thermal pad (1x)
Boost board holder (1x)
M3x5 screw (4x)
Cleaning pad (1x)
Protecting the electronics
Protecting the electronics
Handle electronics with extreme care. Avoid touching chips and capacitors on the board, always grab by edges. Keep in the ESD bag for now.
Attaching the thermal pad
Attaching the thermal pad
Attaching the thermal pad
Attaching the thermal pad
Before you continue, please clean the bent part of the holder with the cleaning pad.
Keep the cleaning pad back in the bag, you will need it later.
Take the thermal pad and carefully peel off the clear protective film from the white side.
Attach the pad onto the Boost holder with the exposed side. Press the entire surface of the pad to ensure proper connection.
Fold the excess over the edge of the bent sheet.
Carefully peel off the second (blue) protective film. The pad is now quite sticky, avoid touching it.
There is an extra pad in the spare bag ;)
Assembling the Boost board
Assembling the Boost board
Assembling the Boost board
Assembling the Boost board
Grasp the Boost board by the edges and slide it slightly tilted onto the Boost holder so that the PSU connector goes through the opening in the metal sheet.
Do not place the Boost board on the Boost board holder yet! It sticks to the thermal pad and you will no longer be able to move the board easily.
Align four screw holes on the Boost board against the columns on the Boost board holder and lay the Boost  board onto the holder. Check from the other side that the PSU connector fits properly into the opening.
Secure the Boost board to the holder with four M3x5 screws. Do not overtighten the screws! You may crack the electronics board.
Mounting the Input cover
Mounting the Input cover
Mounting the Input cover
Mounting the Input cover
Insert the Input cover into the opening in the back plate from the inner side. See the correct orientation of the part. The circle hole must be on the left.
Check from the other side that the surface with the plastic part and the back plate are aligned. If not, slightly and evenly push on the plastic part from the inner side of the printer.
Insert the M3x5 screw into the backplate. Do not fully tighten the screw, leave a 3mm gap between the screw head and the surface. We will tighten the screw later.
Mounting the Boost board
Mounting the Boost board
Mounting the Boost board
Insert the Boost board assembly into the printer and place it on the backplate. Place the assembly with the cutout on the prepared M3x5 screw.
Slightly loosen the M3x5 screw if there is an insufficient gap between the screw head and the back plate to slide the holder.
Align the rectangular hole in the metal sheet with the hole in the plastic part (input cover).
Use the short side of the 2.5mm Allen key and tighten the M3x5 screw.
Insert and tighten the second M3x5 screw to the upper hole in the metal sheet.
Connecting the power cable
Connecting the power cable
Connecting the power cable
Connect the power cable into the slot at the bottom of the boost board.
Connect the thermistor cable into the upper slot on the top left corner of the boost board.
There are two color variants of the thermistor cable. Your printer may have a black-and-white or black-and-red cable. However, their function is the same.
Assembling the power switch
Assembling the power switch
Assembling the power switch
Assembling the power switch
Take the power switch assembly and push the cables through the opening in the Input cover.
Make sure the OFF "o" symbol is selected and faces down.
Slide the lower cable connector onto the lower pin.
Slide the upper cable connector onto the upper pin.
Make sure the connectors are fully connected. The gap between the connectors and the Boost board should be approximately 1-2 mm.
Make sure the connectors are not loose and do not wobble. This can cause fatal damage to the electronics.
Assembling the power switch
Assembling the power switch
Assembling the power switch
Assembling the power switch
Push the entire length of the power switch cables into the printer. Slightly bend the cables and make a loop with them.
Push the power switch evenly with your thumbs to the input cover.
Arrange the loop according to the picture.
Gently push the cables into the printer so that they do not protrude from the printer.
Connecting the boost cables: parts preparation
Connecting the boost cables: parts preparation
Connecting the boost cables: parts preparation
Connecting the boost cables: parts preparation
Boost motion cable (1x) labelled "M"
Boost A64 cable (1x) labelled "A"
A64 connector reducer (1x)
Connecting the boost cables
Connecting the boost cables
Connecting the boost cables
Connecting the boost cables
Connect the Boost motion cable (labelled "M") to the lower slot on the Boost board. Connect the unmarked side of the cable (without the yellow label) to the Booster board.
Connect the Boost A64 cable (labelled "A") to the upper slot on the Boost board. Connect the unmarked side of the cable (without the yellow label) to the Boost board.
Guide both cables behind the cable bundle through the gap under the electronics holder out of the printer.
Installing the resin sensor cable
Installing the resin sensor cable
Installing the resin sensor cable
Installing the resin sensor cable
Insert the M4x6r screw through the resin sensor cable connector.
Attach the M4w serrated lock washer on the screw.
Look slightly at the bottom of the tilt frame. There are two M4 screw holes on the left side of the frame. Keep an eye on the left screw hole.
Attach the resin sensor with the screw and washer to the left M4 screw hole. The cable must guide to the back of the printer.
Secure it by tightening the M4x6r screw. Tighten the screw firmly, but gently.
Connecting the resin sensor cable
Connecting the resin sensor cable
Connecting the resin sensor cable
Connect the resin sensor cable to the slot on the left side of the electronics board.
Do not pull on the cable! Guide the cable with slack.
Connecting the A64 boost cable
Connecting the A64 boost cable
Connecting the A64 boost cable
Connecting the A64 boost cable
Locate the 20pins slot on the A64 electronics board.
Take the printed A64 connector reducer and slide it onto the 20pins connector.
See the detail. There are two holes on each side of the part. Align both pairs with the last pair of the pins.
Make sure the TOP sign is in the upper position.
Slide the plastic part all the way onto the pins.
Disconnecting the thermistor cable
Disconnecting the thermistor cable
Disconnecting the thermistor cable
Disconnect the thermistor cable (black and white wires) from the electronics board.
There is a safety lock latch on the bottom side of the connector. Do not pull the cable before pressing the lock latch.
There are two color variants of the thermistor cable. Your printer may have a black-and-white or black-and-red cable. However, their function is the same.
Re-connecting the thermistor cable
Re-connecting the thermistor cable
Re-connecting the thermistor cable
Re-connecting the thermistor cable
Connect the thermistor cable to the middle empty slot on the left side of the Motion controller.
The lower slot must be empty!
Push both Boost board cables under the electronics board and make sure they are not protruding from the printer.
Mounting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation
Mounting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation
Mounting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation
UV LED assembly
Remove the protective foam from the bottom of the UV LED assembly and the protective transparent film from the lenses.
Avoid touching the lenses with bare hands to avoid fingerprints or any kind of grease. Grease or other impurities can cause problems during printing.
M4x8 screw (1x)
M4x5 screw (1x) you removed in the previous chapter
M3x18 screw (1x)
The list continues in the next step...
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Insert the M4x8 screw into the Heatsink holder lock.
Look from above through the print display hole. Place the Heatsink holder lock to the left side next to the UV LED fan. Ensure the correct orientation of the part. The narrower section of the part must be facing the back of the printer. Tighten the M4x8 screw.
Make sure to place the Heatsink holder lock correctly and maintain its orientation while tightening the screw. It must be exactly parallel to the electronics holder (metal sheet) on the left. This is CRUCIAL!
Attach the M4x5 screw on the right side next to the UV LED fan. Two turns are enough for now. Don't tighten the screw all the way in!
Preparing the UV LED assembly area
Preparing the UV LED assembly area
Preparing the UV LED assembly area
Move the cable bundle backward as much as possible while being gentle to it. Do not push hard! The whole bundle should go to the furthermost possible position.
Make sure there are no cables in this area.
In some units, an optical sensor cable may guide this way. If the cable guides over this location in your printer, follow the next step.
If the area in your printer is clean and there is no cable, please skip to Inserting the UV LED assembly.
Disconnecting the optical sensor cable
Disconnecting the optical sensor cable
Disconnecting the optical sensor cable
Disconnecting the optical sensor cable
Disconnect the optical sensor cable from the electronics board.
Push the whole cable through the gap under the electronics holder to inside the printer.
Inserting the UV LED assembly
Inserting the UV LED assembly
Inserting the UV LED assembly
Insert the M3x18 screw into the heatsink holder, like in the picture. Just start the thread so it doesn't protrude on the other side - it must sit flush or recessed with the backside. See the second picture.
Inserting the UV LED assembly
Inserting the UV LED assembly
Inserting the UV LED assembly
Use nitrile gloves for the following steps. It will protect the UV LED assembly from grease.
Grasp the UV LED assembly by the heatsink. Avoid touching the UV LED board (black LED board between the heatsink and lenses).
Make sure that the flat connector is facing you.
Carefully insert the UV LED assembly into the printer from the right side. Stop in front of the electronics holder.
Make sure the cables are not pinched!
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Mounting the UV LED assembly
Place the UV LED assembly so it touches the bottom plate by its back side. Keep it slightly tilted and press backwards until you align the "keyhole" on the heatsink holder (metal sheet) with the M4x5 screw head on the bottom plate.
Make sure the cables are not pinched!
Push down until the screw head goes through the "keyhole" in the heatsink holder.
Aligning the UV LED assembly
Aligning the UV LED assembly
Aligning the UV LED assembly
Aligning the UV LED assembly
Look from the electronic side and make sure there is no gap between the base and the heatsink holder (metal sheet). It needs to sit flush against the bottom.
Slide the LED assembly to the front of the printer. Make sure it moves evenly on both sides. Use reasonable force.
The screw on the right side should slide easily into the oval groove.
Securing the UV LED assembly
Securing the UV LED assembly
Securing the UV LED assembly
Securing the UV LED assembly
Tighten the M4x5 screw in while maintaining a slight frontwards force onto the UV LED assembly with your other hand at the same time.
From the front bottom left corner of your printer, tighten the M3x18 lock screw. Make sure the UV LED assembly sits flush all the way with the printer bottom plate. You can help it a little bit by pushing it downwards. Avoid touching the lenses.
Checking the connecting rod
Checking the connecting rod
Checking the connecting rod
Checking the connecting rod
Look from the left below the touchscreen to inside the printer.
Move the connecting rod manually up and down several times and check if the connecting rod doesn't hit the heatsink. Then move the connecting rod to the upper position. The position of the shaft should be as shown.
Take a closer look at the connecting rod and check the correct alignment of the UV LED assembly:
Correct alignment: The connecting rod doesn't hit the UV LED set assembly. There is a gap between both parts. Please, skip to Connecting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation.
Incorrect alignment: The connecting rod hits the UV LED assembly. There is no gap between both parts. Loosen the lock screw and the UV LED assembly. Go to Securing the UV LED assembly and repeat the whole procedure again. Keep in mind that you must move the assembly a few millimeters toward the back of the printer to create a gap between the connecting rod and the heatsink and prevent them from colliding.
Connecting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation
Connecting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation
Connecting the UV LED assembly: parts preparation
UV LED cable (1x) you already have from the previous chapter
Note: The appearance of the UV LED cable may differ. It depends on the printer version. However, both of its connectors are the same in all versions.
Take a closer look inside the printer behind the touch screen. There is a flat connector on the UV LED assembly. You will need it in the following step.
Connecting the UV LED assembly
Connecting the UV LED assembly
Connecting the UV LED assembly
Connect the big white plug and the UV LED assembly together. The white plug slides onto the flat connector of the UV LED board. Make sure the lock on the white plug is on the top.
Slide the white plug on until you feel it click. Try pulling the white plug lightly to make sure it holds in place.
Check that the lock on top fits the hole properly. That was the click you felt.
Guiding the UV LED cable
Guiding the UV LED cable
Guiding the UV LED cable
Guide the UV LED cable according to the picture. The cable must go below the touch screen and behind the support bar.
Connect the UV LED cable to the last empty slot on the Boost board.
Assembling the blower fan
Assembling the blower fan
Assembling the blower fan
Assembling the blower fan
Place the Blower like in the picture and insert one M3nS nut from the right side.
Use the 2.0mm Allen key to push the nut all the way in.
Use the 2.0mm Allen key and push it through the hole from the bottom side to align the nut inside the plastic part.
Assembling the blower fan
Assembling the blower fan
Assembling the blower fan
Assembling the blower fan
Grasp the blower fan and blower as shown and point them at each other.
Slide both parts together. Make sure there is no gap between them.
Turn the assembly. Insert and tighten two M3x5 screws into the plastic part and secure both parts together.
Mounting the Blower fan assembly
Mounting the Blower fan assembly
Mounting the Blower fan assembly
Insert the blower fan assembly into the printer. The metal sheet (fan holder) has to be located behind the support bar.
Hold the assembly by your hand and secure it with the M3x10b countersunk screw through the upper screw hole.
Insert and tighten the second M3x10b countersunk screw in the lower screw hole.
Make sure that no cable is pinched between the blower fan assembly and the UV LED assembly!
Installing the print display: parts preparation
Installing the print display: parts preparation
Installing the print display: parts preparation
Installing the print display: parts preparation
Monochromatic print display (1x)
Prusa LCD adapter (1x)
LCD adapter spacer (1x)
Washer 6BA (1x)
M3x8 screw (1x) you removed in the previous chapter
M4x14b countersunk screw (4x) you removed in the previous chapter
Mounting the Prusa LCD adapter
Mounting the Prusa LCD adapter
Mounting the Prusa LCD adapter
Mounting the Prusa LCD adapter
Prepare the print display and the LCD adapter like in the picture.
Make sure the orange protection sticker on the print display is facing up.
Open the latch lock mechanism on the Prusa LCD adapter.
Insert the print display cable into the slot on the LCD adapter. Make sure to line up the white line on the cable with the connector end.
Close the latch lock mechanism on the adapter.
Installing the new print display
Installing the new print display
Installing the new print display
Installing the new print display
Keep the orange protective sticker on the print display for now!
Make sure that the transparent protective film of the UV LED lens assembly is also already removed.
Place the print display half way onto the printer and guide the display cable to the electronics.
The cable should be hanging freely and be easily accessible from the electronics board side.
Secure the print display with four M4x14b countersunk screws (the remaining screws from the old display).
Connecting the print display cable: New vs old
Connecting the print display cable: New vs old
Connecting the print display cable: New vs old
There are two ways to mount the adapter. It depends on the version of the electronics holder in your printer.
Take a closer look and compare with the pictures. Then choose the appropriate instructions:
NEW DESIGN: There are two threaded columns on the electronics holder. The threads are visible in the middle and right screw holes in the electronics board. Follow these instructions: Installing the LCD adapter spacer (NEW)
OLD DESIGN: There is one threaded column on the electronics holder. The thread is visible in the left screw hole in the electronics board. Follow these instructions: Installing the LCD adapter spacer (OLD)
Installing the LCD adapter spacer (NEW)
Installing the LCD adapter spacer (NEW)
Installing the LCD adapter spacer (NEW)
Insert the LCD adapter spacer to the left hole in the electronics board. The groove on the plastic part must face into the hole.
Note the connector on the LED adapter and the electronics board. In the following instructions, we will connect them together.
Connecting the print display cable (NEW)
Connecting the print display cable (NEW)
Connecting the print display cable (NEW)
Insert the M3x8 screw into the right hole on the LCD adapter.
Place the 6BA washer on the screw.
Connect the adapter to the slot on the electronic board. Make sure it fits on the LCD adapter spacer and then secure it by tightening the screw. Do not overtighten the screw, you may crack the board!
Make sure the washer doesn't fall off the screw!!!
Slightly press the adapter to make sure it is connected correctly.
Now, please skip to Checking the print display cable
Installing the LCD adapter spacer (OLD)
Installing the LCD adapter spacer (OLD)
Installing the LCD adapter spacer (OLD)
Insert the LCD adapter spacer to the right hole in the electronics board. The groove on the plastic part must face into the hole.
Note the connector on the LED adapter and the electronics board. In the following instructions, we will connect them together.
Connecting the print display cable (OLD)
Connecting the print display cable (OLD)
Connecting the print display cable (OLD)
Insert the M3x8 screw into the left hole on the LCD adapter.
Place the 6BA washer on the screw.
Connect the adapter to the slot on the electronic board. Make sure it fits on the LCD adapter spacer and then secure it by tightening the screw. Do not overtighten the screw, you may crack the board!
Make sure the washer doesn't fall off the screw!!!
Slightly press the adapter to make sure it is connected correctly.
Cable management
Cable management
Arrange all cables according to the picture.
Make sure no cable protrudes from the printer.
Connecting the power button
Connecting the power button
Connecting the power button
Slide the cover half way to the printer and stop, we need to connect the front USB and power button first.
Avoid pinching the cables!
NEW DESIGN: Look from above in the front cover and connect the USB & Power cable. Make sure the safety pin "clicks".
OLD DESIGN: Connect the power cable button to the extension cable. Make sure the safety pin "clicks".
Mounting the cover
Mounting the cover
Mounting the cover
Mounting the cover
Slide the cover on the printer and secure it on one side using two M3x5b countersunk screws. Don't tighten them firmly and move on the other side, repeat the procedure.
As soon as the cover is aligned and partly secured, add the remaining screws and tighten them all.
Tighten carefully, if you can't reach the holes in the printer, realign the cover.
Upgrading the print platform
Upgrading the print platform
Upgrading the print platform
Upgrading the print platform
Place the old and the new platform like in the picture.
It's recommended to use a piece of cloth or some clean and soft pad under the platforms.
Release four M4x10 screws from the print platform holder. No need to remove the screws from the holder.
Remove the print platform holder and place it on the new print platform.
Make sure the edges of both parts are aligned. In this plane, the part can be rotated 180°(its orientation doesn't matter).
Secure it by tightening four M4x10 screws.
Do not use the new platform with the old version of the resin tank. And conversely. It can cause several issues.
New resin tank: parts preparation
New resin tank: parts preparation
New resin tank: parts preparation
New Resin tank (1x)
Resin tank frame (1x)
M2.5x8rt Torx screw (22x)
FEP film (1x)
Resin tank screw (2x) from the old resin tank
WARNING: the following procedure is crucial. Make sure you read the instructions first! The FEP film consists of three layers. Two layers are for the protection of the middle layer, which is the actual FEP film.
Separate all layers slightly apart to recognize them:
Semi-thick outer layer (protection)
Thick inner layer (FEP film)
Thin outer layer (protection)
You should end up with the middle layer, which is without both outer layers. Also, double-check you have removed all the remains.
Carefully place the FEP film on the frame and on the screws, use them to stretch and align the film.
Carefully rotate the frame upside down.
We recommend using nitrile gloves while handling the FEP film to avoid fingerprints on the film.
Inserting the screws
Inserting the screws
Inserting the screws
Inserting the screws
Check the holes in the frame and in the film are aligned.
DON'T PUNCH through new holes for the Torx screws!
Start inserting the remaining screws. Don't push hard, or you might bend the frame.
If it's difficult to insert the screw, screw it in by your hand.
Check you have used twenty-two M2.5x8rt Torx screws.
Place the frame with the film and screws on the tank and start tightening M2.5x8rt screws with the Torx tool. Follow the indicated direction, tighten one by one. Tighten the screw to just a few turns. Do not tighten them fully at this moment!
There are no threads inside the holes in the resin tank. The screw will cut them there during tightening. So lightly push the wrench on the screw when tightening.
Tighten them a few turns to just start the thread and set the position. Do not tighten the screws fully yet!!
BE CAREFUL. If the Torx tool slips, you might damage your FEP film.
Tighten all the screws following the sequence indicated by the numbers in the picture. Start with the one labeled 1 in the corner and work your way around the tank in the zig-zag pattern.
The zig-zag tightening sequence is important to follow to make sure the FEP foil is stretched evenly and the tank won't leak resin.
Finally, fully tighten all the screws. This time, proceed clockwise.
Make sure that all the screws are fully tightened! Leaking resin may fatally damage your printer.
Take any knife with a sharp tip (not included in the package).
Carefully punch two holes in the FEP film, as indicated in the picture.
Punch each hole in two directions to create a cross.
Don't use a knife with a blunt tip or you might accidentally overstretch the FEP film.
Pro tip: Turn the tank upside down to its "normal position" and fill it with tap water to its max level. Watch the tank and ensure no water is leaking.
Mounting the platform
Mounting the platform
Mounting the platform
Mounting the platform
Remove the protective film from the print display.
Install the tank in the printer and secure it using two screws.
Mount the new print platform on the printer.
Do not use the new platform and the old version of the resin tank. And conversely. It can cause several issues.
It's done!
It's done!
Good job! It's done.
Compare the final look with the picture and then jump to the next chapter: 4. Firmware upgrading
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