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How to install the Camera dummy module (HT90)

How to install the Camera dummy module (HT90)

How to install the Camera dummy module (HT90)
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Poslední aktualizace 10 days ago
How to install the Camera dummy module (HT90)
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This guide will take you through the installation of the Camera-dummy-module on the HT90.
Předtím, než začnete sestavovat enclosure, si vytisknete potřebné díly.
The Camera-dummy-module is available is at Printables.com.
Recommended material is PA11CF (for stiffness and durability due to high temperatures in the chamber)
Nářadí potřebné k této kapitole
Nářadí potřebné k této kapitole
Nářadí potřebné k této kapitole
Nářadí potřebné k této kapitole
Pro tuto kapitolu si prosím připravte:
Šroubovák univerzální
Don't have any ? Visit our e-shop Prusa3D.com
4.0 mm Flathead screwdriver bit
2.0 mm Hex screwdriver bit
A piece of cloth for use as a heatbed protection during the assembly. Hint: use the dust cloth.
Příprava tiskárny
Příprava tiskárny
Příprava tiskárny
Před těmito kroky doporučujeme zakrýt vyhřívanou podložku!
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature. Place the dust cloth approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Vypněte vypínač (symbol "O")
Unplug the power cord from the right side of the printer by pressing the safety latch.
Door opening stopper releasing
Door opening stopper releasing
Door opening stopper releasing
Otevřete víko.
Using a flat screwdriver, loosen the Door-opening-stopper by turning it 120° counter-clockwise.
The Door-opening-stopper is a printer part, just a slight twist will loosen this part.
Pokračujte k dalšímu kroku.
Door opening stopper removing
Door opening stopper removing
Door opening stopper removing
Remove the Door-opening-stopper by pushing from the inside of the printer.
Repeat the process on the second Door-opening-stopper on the other side of the lid.
Camera module removing
Camera module removing
Camera module removing
Camera module removing
From now on, we will demonstrate the Camera dummy module replacing on the printer without the lid for better visibility. Please note, do not remove the lid from your printer. The printer in the pictures will be shown without the lid for improved visualization for the customers.
Using a 2 mm Allen bit, remove two M3x8b screws from the Camera-module.
Gently pull out the Camera-module from the panel.
Gently pull out the black safety latch to release the Camera module cable.
Leave the Camera module cable hanging for now.
Camera dummy module installing
Camera dummy module installing
Camera dummy module installing
Gently slide the Camera module cable facing with a blue strip towards you to the Camera-dummy-module.
Align the Camera module cable with the Camera-dummy-module
Pokračujte k dalšímu kroku.
Camera dummy module securing
Camera dummy module securing
Camera dummy module securing
Camera dummy module securing
Don't pinch the Camera module cable.
Gently insert the Camera-dummy-module into the panel.
Secure the Camera-dummy-module with two M3x8b.
Good job! The module is installed.
Zavření víka
Zavření víka
Zavření víka
Zavření víka
Before pulling down the lid, check that the plastic Door-guide on both sides are inserted into the rails. See at the picture.
Now slowly pull the lid downwards until the plastic cut-outs for the Door-opening-stopper are under the top panel. See the picture.
Door opening stopper securing
Door opening stopper securing
Door opening stopper securing
Door opening stopper securing
Using a flat screwdriver, secure the Door-opening-stopper by turning it clockwise.
The Door-opening-stopper is a printer part, just a slight twist will secure this part.
Repeat this proces on the left side of the lid.
Zavřete víko.
Připojení tiskárny
Připojení tiskárny
Připojení tiskárny
Remove the dust cloth from the bottom.
Plug the power cord from on the right side of the printer.
Zapněte vypínač (symbol "I").
Byl tento návod užitečný?


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