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How to replace the power button (SL1/SL1S)


How to replace the power button (SL1/SL1S)

How to replace the power button (SL1/SL1S)
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Last updated 3 years ago
How to replace the power button (SL1/SL1S)
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This guide will take you through the replacement of the power button on the Original Prusa SL1 and SL1S SPEED.
Some parts might slightly differ. However, it does not affect the procedure.
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
WARNING: This device utilizes UV light, which can harm your eyesight or skin. Do not turn the device ON until it is fully reassembled with all the covers installed!!!
Soldering is needed for units shipped from July 2019 to July 2020. If you can't solder, contact our support team. They will send you a new bottom cover and a new power button.
Tools necessary for this guide
Tools necessary for this guide
2.0mm Allen key
2.5mm の六角レンチ
Some steps require additional tools. You will always be instructed before the appropriate steps.
Printer is plugged off
Remove the resin tank
Remove the print platform
Use ESD gloves (recommended)
ESD gloves are anti-static (prevent damage to the electronics).
Removing the cover
Removing the cover
Removing the cover
Removing the cover
Proceed carefully with these screws, preferably use an Allen key with straight sharp edges, there is a risk of stripping the screw's head.
Turn the left side of the printer towards you.
Locate, release and remove four screws.
Turn the printer to the other side (180 °) and again remove four screws.
Slide the cover just a few cm/inches out.
There are two designs of USB and power button:
NEW DESIGN: The USB and the power button have the same connector. Disconnect the cable and remove the cover completely.
OLD DESIGN: The USB and the power button are separated. Disconnect the power button cable from the extension cable and remove the cover completely.
Multiple versions of the power button
Multiple versions of the power button
Multiple versions of the power button
Multiple versions of the power button
The USB board has been made in three versions. Look closer and check what version do you have. Follow the instructions for the appropriate version:
Version 3.0 - Power button (A) board and USB connector (B) board are connected and mounted on the bottom cover. Skip to Tools necessary for the Version 3.0
Version 2.0 - Power button and USB connector are on the same PCB board mounted on the bottom cover. Skip to Tools necessary for the Version 2.0
Version 1.0 - Power button and USB connector are separate. The power button is mounted on the bottom cover. The USB connector is mounted inside the printer. Skip to Tools necessary for the Version 1.0
Removing the touchscreen (Version 1.0)
Removing the touchscreen (Version 1.0)
Removing the touchscreen (Version 1.0)
Removing the touchscreen (Version 1.0)
Open the lid all the way.
Look from below and locate the screw on the right side of the touchscreen frame. Release the screw.
Slightly loosen the screw on the left side of the frame. Do not remove it.
Removing the touchscreen (Version 1.0)
Removing the touchscreen (Version 1.0)
Carefully rotate the touchscreen all the way to the left.
If you can't rotate the screen easily, loosen the left screw a little more.
Cut the zip tie securing the USB, Power, optical, and touchscreen cables.
Removing the USB connector (Version 1.0)
Removing the USB connector (Version 1.0)
Removing the USB connector (Version 1.0)
Removing the USB connector (Version 1.0)
Release the screw on the right side of the USB connector.
Remove the USB connector from the printer. It will no longer be needed.
Carefully rotate the touchscreen back to its original position.
Insert the M4x10 screw back into the hole on the right side of the touchscreen frame and tighten the screw.
Tighten the screw on the left side of the frame.
Tools necessary for the Version 2.0
Tools necessary for the Version 2.0
Tools necessary for the Version 2.0
Tools necessary for the Version 2.0
WARNING: Disassembling this version requires soldering, if you don't have the equipment, contact our support team and they will send you an assembled cover with the new button.
2.0mm Allen key
2.5mm の六角レンチ
Needle-nose pliers
Wrench size 19 mm
Soldering iron
Tin extractor (or steel brush)
A tin extractor or steel brush is needed to remove the molten tin from the pins.
It is highly recommended to wear safety glasses.
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Soldering is required in this step. Be extra careful during the procedure. Do not touch the HOT PARTS of the soldering iron!!!
Set the temperature on the soldering iron to 350 °C / 662 °F.
Put the tip of the soldering iron on each connector and wait until the tin melts down.
Use the tin extractor or steel brush to remove the tin from the connectors.
Use the pliers to straighten the connectors.
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Disassembling the power button (Version 2.0)
Remove the USB board from the power button. Use more force. It doesn't matter if you damage the button or the board.
Release the nut with the wrench.
Remove the nut from the button.
Removing the power button (Version 3.0)
Removing the power button (Version 3.0)
Removing the power button (Version 3.0)
Removing the power button (Version 3.0)
Slightly tilt the power button, then push it down.
Disconnect the power button from the USB board.
Remove the USB board from the bottom cover.
Remove the nut from the power button.
New power button preparation
New power button preparation
New power button preparation
The following steps are common for Version 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
Place the foam seal on the USB connector.
Locate the o-ring between the button and the PCB and remove it. We won't need this part anymore.
Mounting the new power button
Mounting the new power button
Mounting the new power button
Mounting the new power button
Insert the power button from the front side of the cover into the hole.
Place the nut on the power button from inside of the cover.
Do not tighten the nut all the way. Leave it four threads from the end.
Mounting the new USB board
Mounting the new USB board
Mounting the new USB board
Rotate the power button that the long side of the PCB is facing down.
Place the USB board with the foam seal on the columns and slide it all the way on.
Joining boards together
Joining boards together
Joining boards together
Joining boards together
Slightly and carefully tilt the power button like in the picture and align the pins against the connector on the USB board.
Straighten the power button and connect the power button pins in the USB board connector.
Tighten the nut against the cover by the wrench. Do not overtighten the nut!
Secure the board with two M3x8 screws.
Connecting the power button
Connecting the power button
Slide the cover half-way to the printer and stop, we need to connect the front USB and power button first.
Look from above in the front cover and connect the USB & Power cable. Make sure the safety pin "clicks".
Assembling the cover
Assembling the cover
Assembling the cover
Slide the cover on the printer and secure it on one side using two M3x5b countersunk screws. Don't tighten them firmly and move on the other side, repeat the procedure.
As soon as the cover is aligned and partly secured, add the remaining screws and tighten them all.
Turn the printer over (180 °) and use the same procedure.
It's done!
It's done!
Great job! You've just replaced the power button on the SL1/SL1S printer.
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