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Unable to unload filament MMU1

Unable to unload filament MMU1

Unable to unload filament MMU1
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Last updated 5 years ago
Unable to unload filament MMU1
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Remove Festo fitting
Remove Festo fitting
Remove Festo fittings from multiplexer.
Use the 8mm side of the wrench, which is part of the upgrade kit.
Check filament in cooling tube
Check filament in cooling tube
In case filament is stuck in cooling tube pull cooling tube from filament using gentle force.
If filaments can not be removed using gentle force use lighter to slightly warm cooling tube and using pliers pull cooling tube from filament.
Check smooth entry of filament
Check smooth entry of filament
Using piece of filament make sure filament can pass into the PTFE tube without any resistance
You should be able to freely insert at least 60 mm of filament.
Check all 4 entries.
Filament stuck below multiplexer
Filament stuck below multiplexer
Filament stuck below multiplexer
Filament stuck below multiplexer
Remove screw holding multiplexer in place.
Slide multiplexer up to pull out filament from nozzle.
Pre-heat nozzle in case filament is stuck in nozzle.
Cut end of the filament.
Assemble multiplexer and unload filament.
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