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LCD menu (XL Single Tool)

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Ultima actualización 5 months ago
Este artículo está también disponible en los siguientes idiomas: 

The Original Prusa XL is equipped with a color LCD screen that, among other things, supports G-code thumbnails and QR codes.

For the versions of the XL printer with multiple tool heads, go to LCD menu (XL Multi Tool) [Traducción en desarrollo].

The footer of the main screen can be edited to show the features you wish to be shown on the main page.

Make sure to always have the latest latest firmware.
  • Print
  • Preheat
      • PLA
      • PETG
      • ASA
      • PC
      • PVB
      • ABS
      • HIPS
      • PP
      • FLEX
      • PA
      • Cooldown
  • Filament
      • Load filament
      • Unload filament
      • Change filament
      • Purge filament
  • Control
      • Move axis
          • Move X
          • Move Y
          • Move Z
          • Move E
          • Cooldown
      • Temperature
          • Heatbed temperature
          • Nozzle temperature
          • Print fan speed
          • Cooldown
      • Autohome
      • Set Ready
      • Disable motors
      • Enclosure
      • Calibrations & Tests
          • 1 Fan Test
          • 2 Y Axis Test
          • 3 X Axis Test
          • 4 Z Alignment Calibration
          • 5 Loadcell Test
          • 6 Nozzle Diameter Confirmation
          • 7 Z Axis Test
          • 8 Heater Test
          • 9 Filament Sensor Calibration
          • 10 Phase Stepping Calibration
  • Settings
      • Filament Sensor
        • Side Filament Sensor 
        • Toolhead Filament Sensor
        • Restore Defaults
      • Stuck Filament Detection
      • Stealth Mode
      • Fan check
      • Crash Detection
      • Input Shaper
          • X-axis filter
          • X-axis frequency
          • Y-axis filter
          • Y-axis frequency
          • Restore Defaults
      • User Interface
          • Footer
          • Sort Files [Time/Name]
          • Print Progress Screen [OFF, 30 s - 200 s]
          • Menu Timeout
          • Sound Mode [Loud/Silent/Assist/Once]
          • For filament change, preheat [Nozzle/Noz&Bed]
          • RGB Status Bar
          • RGB Side Strip
          • RGB Side Strip Dimming
          • Touch 
          • Touch Sig Workaround
      • Language and Time
          • Language
          • Time Zone Hour Offset
          • Time Zone Minute Offset
          • Time Zone Summertime
          • Time Format
      • Network
          • Prusa Link
              • Enabled
              • Generate Password
              • User
              • Password
          • Prusa Connect
              • Enabled
              • Status
              • Error
              • Add printer to Connect
              • Load Settings
          • Default [Eth/Wi-fi]
          • IPv4 Address
          • Hostname
          • MAC address
          • Metrics &Log
              • What is this?
              • Allow [None/Only Stored/Any Host]
              • Enable Stored on Startup
              • Stored Configuration
              • Current configuration
          • Ethernet
              • Protocol
              • LAN
              • IPv4 Address
              • IPv4 Netmask
              • IPv4 Gateway
              • Hostname
              • MAC Address
          • Wi-Fi
              • Status
              • Create Credentials
              • Load Credentials
              • Protocol
              • LAN
              • IPv4 Address
              • IPv4 Netmask
              • IPv4 Gateway
              • Hostname
              • MAC Address
      • Hardware
          • Nozzle Diameter [0.25mm-1.00mm]
          • G-code checks
              • Nozzle Diameter [Warn/Strict/None]
              • Printer Model [Warn/Strict/None]
              • Firmware Version [Warn/Strict/None]
              • G-code Level [Warn/Strict/None]
          • Side FSensor Remap
          • Heat Entire Bed
          • Crash Sensitivity XY
          • Phase Stepping
      • FW update
      • System
          • Save Crash Dump
          • Device Hash in QR
          • Load Settings from File
          • Factory Reset
              • Reset Settings & Calibrations
              • Hard Reset (USB with FW needed)
  • Info
      • Sensor Info
          • Heatbreak Temp
          • Board Temperature
          • MCU Temperature
          • Bed Temperature
          • Nozzle Temperature
          • Dwarf Board Temp
          • Dwarf MCU Temp
          • MBed MCU Temp
          • Loadcell Value
          • Tool Filament Sensor
          • Side Filament Sensor
          • Print Fan
          • Heatbreak Fan
          • Input Voltage
          • 5V Voltage
          • Sandwich 5V Current
          • XL Buddy 5V Current
      • Version info
          • Firmware Version
          • Bootloader Version
          • Buddy Board
          • Serial Number
          • xLCD
      • Print Statistics
          • Fail Stats
              • Power Failures
              • Last Print Crashes on X Axis
              • Last Print Crashes on Y Axis
              • Crashes on X Axis
              • Crashes on Y Axis
          • Statistics
              • X-axis
              • Y-axis
              • Z -axis
              • Filament
              • Print Time
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