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How to replace the main cable connector cover (XL)


How to replace the main cable connector cover (XL)

How to replace the main cable connector cover (XL)
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How to replace the main cable connector cover (XL)
 Poziom trudności
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This guide will take you through the installation of the Main cable connector cover on the Original Prusa XL.
The following instructions are compatible with Original Prusa XL Multi-Tool and Single-Tool.
Wszystkie potrzebne części są dostępne w naszym sklepie internetowym
Ta instrukcja jest kompatybilna z Original Prusa XL Enclosure.
We will demonstrate replacing the Main cable connector cover on a printer without the XL Enclosure for better visibility. There is no need to remove the XL Enclosure.
Do not discard any removed parts unless prompted to do so.
Narzędzia niezbędne dla tej instrukcji
Narzędzia niezbędne dla tej instrukcji
Narzędzia niezbędne dla tej instrukcji
Do tej instrukcji przygotuj:
Torx T10 screwdriver
Klucz imbusowy 2,5 mm
A cardboard box for use as heatbed protection during the assembly. We will use the Nextruder box as an example.
Unloading the filament
Unloading the filament
Unloading the filament
Unloading the filament
Jeśli filament jest załadowany, rozładuj go z hotendu. Na ekranie przejdź do Filament -> Rozładuj filament.
Wyciągnij filament z hotendu. Musisz całkowicie wyciągnąć go z drukarki.
UWAGA: Hotend i stół grzewczy są bardzo GORĄCE. Nie dotykaj ich!!!
Przesuń oś Z do dołu. Wejdź w menu Sterowanie -> Ruch osi -> Ruch Z.
Ostudź drukarkę do temperatury pokojowej. Na ekranie przejdź do Nagrzewanie -> Chłodzenie.
Poczekaj, aż gorące części ostygną do temperatury otoczenia. Trwa to około 10 minut.
Unpluging the printer
Unpluging the printer
Ustaw przełącznik zasilania w pozycji OFF (symbol "O").
Z tylnej strony drukarki odłącz przewód zasilacza.
Protecting the heatbed
Protecting the heatbed
Zalecamy zabezpieczenie stołu przed kolejnymi czynnościami.
Upewnij się, że stół grzewczy jest schłodzony do temperatury otoczenia. Połóż pusty karton w okolicy przedniej środkowej części stołu.
Multi-Tool & Single-Tool
Multi-Tool & Single-Tool
Multi-Tool & Single-Tool
The following instructions are divided according to your printer variant. 
Choose the appropriate steps:
Multi-Tool: please proceed to the next step
Single-Tool: please proceed to the Single-Tool: releasing the Nextruder
Some steps are demonstrated using the Multi-Tool variant, but the procedure remains the same for both the Multi-Tool and Single-Tool variants.
Multi-Tool: disconnecting the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: disconnecting the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: disconnecting the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: disconnecting the Nextruder
Od przedniej strony Nextrudera, poluzuj dwie śruby M3x8r za pomocą wkrętaka T10 (wystarczy kilka obrotów) i zdejmij usztywnienie wiązki.
Locate the fitting, press the blue collet and unplug the PTFE tube from the Nextruder. Leave the PTFE hanging freely.
Locate the Nextruder cable, press the secure latch and unplug the cable from the second Nextruder. Leave the cable hanging.
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Put the Nextruder cable on the box.
Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, remove the M3x16 screw from the xl-dwarf-cover-connector.
Gently remove the Nextruder cable from the xl-dwarf-cover-connector. Discard the xl-dwarf-cover-connector, as it is no longer needed. 
Multi-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Multi-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Multi-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Multi-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Take the XL-dwarf-cover-connector.
Proceed carefully, do not break the XL-dwarf-cover-connector!
Use both hands to gently open the XL-dwarf-cover-connector. An opening of 5.0 mm is sufficient.
Insert the M3nN nut into the prepared hexagon hole in the XL-dwarf-cover-connector.
Multi-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Multi-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Multi-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Multi-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Insert the Nextruder cable into the prepared XL-dwarf-cover-connector.
Insert the XL-dwarf-cover-connector into the XL-dwarf-cover-connector-jig.
Uważaj, aby nie przygnieść przewodów!
The Nextruder cable needs to be longer than the front of the XL-dwarf-cover-connector-jig.
Insert the M3x10 screw and secure it with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
The next steps are compatible with both Single-tool and Multi-tool Nextruders.
Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, remove the M3x16 screw.
Remove the XL-dwarf-cover-door.
Turn the Nextruder so that the back is facing upwards.
Using a T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x6bT screws.
Remove the XL-dwarf-cover-back.
Slide the XL-dwarf-cover-base off the dwarf board and discard it, as it is no longer needed.
Multi-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
Multi-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
Multi-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
Multi-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
There is a rail on each inner side of the part. These rails are meant to slide onto the Dwarf board.
Push the XL-dwarf-cover-base onto the Dwarf board and slide it into place.
Place the XL-dwarf-cover-back onto the assembly.
Insert two M3x6bT screws and secure them with a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Multi-Tool: docking the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: docking the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: docking the Nextruder
Multi-Tool: docking the Nextruder
Wsuń dwa metalowe kołki przez białe otwory w doku. Magnesy pomogą zadokować Nextruder.
Check that the cable bundle is not twisted!
Wsuń na łby śrub otwory w kształcie dziurki do klucza w elastycznej taśmie wiązki przewodów i dociśnij do właściwej pozycji.
Tighten two M3x8rT screws. using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Multi-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Multi-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Multi-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Multi-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Insert the PTFE tube into the fitting on the Nextruder. Push it all the way in.
Attach the Nextruder cable to the top of the Nextruder and connect the main cable to the slot on the Dwarf board.
Insert two M3x10 screws and secure them using a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Proceed the same to the remaining tools.
When all the remaining tools are finished, proceed to the Good job
Single-Tool: releasing the Nextruder
Single-Tool: releasing the Nextruder
Single-Tool: releasing the Nextruder
This is where Single-tool assembly begins.
Obróć drukarkę przednią stroną do siebie.
Ściągnij pokrywę wózka X [x-carriage-cover] z wózka X. Nie wyrzucaj jej, będzie nam jeszcze potrzebna!
Wykręć dwie śruby M3x12bT za pomocą klucza Torx T10
Single-Tool: detaching the Nextruder
Single-Tool: detaching the Nextruder
Single-Tool: detaching the Nextruder
Przytrzymaj Nextruder podczas demontażu.
Untighten two M3x12bT screws using a T10 Torx key.
Odłącz Nextrurder i umieść go w pobliżu, a w następnych krokach go przebudujemy.
Place the Nextruder with the cable bundle on the box.
Single-Tool: releasing the cable bundle
Single-Tool: releasing the cable bundle
Single-Tool: releasing the cable bundle
Single-Tool: releasing the cable bundle
Od przedniej strony Nextrudera, wykręć dwie śruby za pomocą wkrętaka Torx T10, aby zwolnić usztywnienie wiązki.
Press the fitting and pull out the PTFE tube.
Naciśnij zawleczkę zabezpieczającą i odłącz przewód od Nextrudera.
Put the Nextruder aside, we will work on it later.
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder cable
Put the Nextruder cable on the box.
Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, remove the M3x16 screw from the xl-dwarf-cover-connector.
Gently remove the Nextruder cable from the xl-dwarf-cover-connector. Discard the xl-dwarf-cover-connector, as it is no longer needed.

Single-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Single-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Single-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Single-Tool: Preparing the XL dwarf cover connector
Take the XL-dwarf-cover-connector.
Using both hands, gently open the XL-dwarf-cover connector. Open it just enough—5.0 mm is sufficient.
Proceed carefully, do not break the XL-dwarf-cover-connector!
Insert the M3nN nut into the prepared hexagon hole in the XL-dwarf-cover-connector.
Single-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: Reassembling the Nextruder cable
Insert the Nextruder cable into the prepared XL-dwarf-cover-connector.
Insert the XL-dwarf-cover-connector into the XL-dwarf-cover-connector-jig.
Uważaj, aby nie przygnieść przewodów!
The Nextruder cable must extend beyond the front of the XL-dwarf-cover-connector-jig.
Insert the M3x10 screw and secure it with a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Single-Tool: Disassembling the Nextruder
Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, remove the M3x16 screw. Don't throw the part away!
Remove the XL-dwarf-cover-door. Don't throw the part away!
Turn the Nextruder so that the back is facing upwards.
Using a T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x6bT screws. Don't throw the parts away!
Remove the XL-dwarf-cover-back. Don't throw the part away!
Slide out the XL-dwarf-cover-base from the dwarf board. Throw the XL-dwarf-cover-base away.
Single-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
Single-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
Single-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
Single-Tool: Securing the XL dwarf cover base
There is a rail on each inner side of the part. These rails are meant to slide onto the Dwarf board.
Push the XL-dwarf-cover-base to the dwarf board and slide it in place.
Place the XL-dwarf-cover-back onto the assembly.
Insert two M3x6bT screws and secure them with a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Single-Tool: securing the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: securing the Nextruder cable
Single-Tool: securing the Nextruder cable
Attach the Nextruder cable to the top of the Nextruder and connect the main cable to the slot on the Dwarf board.
Insert two M3x10 screws and secure them using a 2.5 mm Allen key.
Single-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Single-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Single-Tool: securing the cable bundle
Insert the PTFE tube into the fitting on the Nextruder. Push it all the way in.
Hook up the keyhole openings in the flexible plate of the cable bundle and tighten two M3x8rT screws using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Single-Tool: installing the Nextruder
Single-Tool: installing the Nextruder
Single-Tool: installing the Nextruder
Single-Tool: installing the Nextruder
Sięgając z tyłu wózka osi X, przymocuj zespół ekstrudera do wózka osi X. Zwróć uwagę na prawidłową orientację ekstrudera.
Insert and fully tighten all four M3x12bT screws diagonally to secure the extruder assembly.
Attach the bottom part of the x-carriage-cover back onto the X-carriage, then snap the upper part onto the X-carriage. You must feel a slight "click" to ensure the cover fits on the part.
Good job
Good job
Good job
Well done! The XL-dwarf-cover-connector is replaced.
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