⬢This manual is for the Enclosure with the external printer display mount. Printed parts for external display mounting are no longer included from the end of May 2024). If you purchased before, you can continue with this manual.
⬢If you prefer to keep the display inside (on the printer), refer to the Original Prusa Enclosure (display inside) assembly manual.
⬢Do you want to install the display externally and have a new package without the required parts? You can download and print them.
⬢Required Parts for external display mount:
⬢MK4, MK3.9, MK3.5: ENCLOSURE XLCD SUPPORT LEFT, RIGHT - for the MK4, you need to check A or B version according the MK4 assembly manual.
⬢MK4S: xLCD-adapter_R (MK4S), xLCD-adapter_L (MK4S)
⬢Parts files available on Printables.com.
⬢To confirm your package: check the ENCLOSURE 1/2 Plastic Parts package label to see if it includes the ENCLOSURE LCD SUPPORT or ENCLOSURE XLCD SUPPORT parts.