hi Prusa team, i have a Prusa i3 MK2 kit which I hva assembeled. Now I wanted to continue the testing, but after updating to a new firmware (successful) I cannot find the selftest under setting. Why?
I had got to this step, turned on the printer to calibrate and it started going through the checks - front fan, side fan, hotbed and then the led went red, heard a clack and it seems something shorted. i went through all the electronics setup and nothing seems wrong. Does anyone have an idea what i can do (Im very sad for my son who we built it together and he was very excited but started crying :( ). any ideas/help most welcome...
Btw Josef - i love your printer, i love the guides, the building experience was terrific and it was the most wonderful weekend right up until the end...
Hi, Josef, I am also happy with the printer so far, it was a great experience to build one, but like Thierry, I have a similar problem here... I had the print manual open and decided to watch the calibration video to follow along... WOW! After the successful selftest, for the xy-calibration, I wanted to move the z-Axis all the way to the top from the LCD menu (just like in the video) and WHAM! X and Y axes leaped forward, stepper motors grinding, it took a second or two until I found the power switch... IMHO the firmware should prevent something like this to happen. Video and Manual can always be out of date a bit, and probably I made a mistake, but clearly the printer was not calibrated yet and such sudden and obviously out-of-range movements have to be avoided by the software. I am using firmware 3.0.9.