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6. LCD assembly

6. LCD assembly
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Last updated 5 years ago
6. LCD assembly
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Preparing the LCD parts
Preparing the LCD parts
For the following steps, please prepare:
LCD-cover (1x)
LCD-knob (1x)
LCD-support (2x)
LCD screen (1x)
M3x10 screw (6x)
M3nS nut (4x)
SD card (1x)
Checking the LCD cables
Checking the LCD cables
Checking the LCD cables
Before you start, please ensure the cables are plugged in the correct order.
To the slot called EXP1 (see the board) must be connected cable with ONE black stripe.
To the slot called EPX2/EXP2 (see the board) must be connected cable with TWO black stripes.
There is an updated version of the LCD connectors, which are now connected perpendicular (90°) to the board. Functionality remains the same. See the second picture.
The board (PCB) can be red or blue, their functionality is the same.
Assembling the LCD supports
Assembling the LCD supports
Assembling the LCD supports
Assembling the LCD supports
Prepare the LCD controller and LCD-support printed part as shown in the picture.
Slide the LCD-support parts on the LCD-controller.
Repeat the steps above for the second support.
Ensure the correct orientation of parts and the LCD controller.
The exact position will be adjusted later, no need to worry at this moment.
You can now remove the protective foil from the screen. Don't throw it away, we will reapply it soon.
Assembling the LCD-cover
Assembling the LCD-cover
Assembling the LCD-cover
Press the LCD controller with the LCD-support into the LCD-cover as shown in the picture. Be careful, there is a control knob on the other side!
Adjust the position of the supports if needed.
Press it as deep as possible.
The LCD controller must click under support in the centre of the LCD-cover.
Reapply the protective foil on the screen, make sure foil is clean without any particles or you might scratch the screen.
Mounting the LCD display onto the printer
Mounting the LCD display onto the printer
Mounting the LCD display onto the printer
Mounting the LCD display onto the printer
ATTENTION!!! In case you haven't assembled the anti-vibration feet yet, the front part of the printer will be resting on the mounted LCD. Apply the feet now or be very careful as you might damage the LCD holder. For assembly head back to Chapter 2 (Y-axis).
Locate the holes for M3 screws on the front plate.
Press through four M3x10 screws.
Place the LCD assembly onto the front side of the Y-axis.
Tighten all four screws.
Assembling the LCD knob
Assembling the LCD knob
Assembling the LCD knob
Assemble the LCD-knob part as shown in the picture.
Knob mounting orientation doesn't matter.
Haribo time!
Haribo time!
Compared to the previous chapter, this was extremely easy, right? Have 10 %, not more.
LCD is done!
LCD is done!
That was fast! Wasn't it?
Check the final look, compare it to the picture.
You can now remove the protective foil from the LCD panel.
You can slide the SD card in (from the left side). However, it is recommended to wait till the printer is completed.
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