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1. Introduction

1. Introduction
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Last updated 4 years ago
1. Introduction
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All the required tools are included
All the required tools are included
All the required tools are included
All the required tools are included
The assembly kit includes:
Cutting pliers
Torx key
Allen keys
IPA cleaning pad
The cardboard will be used to make the assembly easier and protect some parts of the printer. Don't throw it away until the printer is fully built! Handle it carefully the edges might be sharp.
Boxes and bags are labelled
Boxes and bags are labelled
All the boxes and bags including parts for the build are labelled.
Number (or numbers) in the header tells you for which chapter you'll need that bag (or box).
Note the displayed label of the bag is just an example, the content of the bag might differ. This is valid for the entire assembly manual.
Use labels for reference
Use labels for reference
Most of the labels are scaled 1:1 and can be used to identify the part :-)
For the most common screws, nuts and PTFE tubes you can also use the enclosed letter, which contains Prusa Cheatsheet on the other side.
You can help.prusa3d.com/cheatsheet from our site. Print it at 100 %, don't rescale it, otherwise, it won't work.
Note the displayed label of the bag is just an example, the content of the bag might differ. This is valid for the entire assembly manual.
Spare bag
Spare bag
Every type of fastener is included in a separate special bag.
If you lose a screw when building, use one from this bag.
Note the displayed label of the spare bag is just an example, the content of the bag might differ.
View high resolution images
View high resolution images
When you browse any guide on help.prusa3d.com, you can view the original images in high resolution for clarity.
Just hover your cursor over the image and click the Magnifier button ("View original") in the top left corner.
The picture is used as an example.
Unpacking the SL1 kit
Unpacking the SL1 kit
Unpacking the SL1 kit
The SL1 kit parts are separated into several layers of protective foam, which mostly comply with the chapters. However, some parts had to be moved into different layers due to their dimensions.
The manual will inform you, which layers are necessary for each chapter.
You can remove all parts from the protective foams, but:
Keep all electronics in the ESD bags until you have to mount or plug them to the printer.
Make sure the print platform is protected from scratches. Place it on a soft cloth.
Protect the acrylic lid against possible scratches.
To increase protection of the printer parts, the order of the foams was changed. However, it doesn't affect the assembly procedure. Parts moved together with foams.
Important: Electronics protection
Important: Electronics protection
Important: Electronics protection
WARNING: Make sure to protect the electronics against electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always unpack the electronics right before you need them!
Here are some tips to prevent damage to the electronics:
Keep the electronics inside the ESD bag right until you are asked to install them.
Always touch the sides of the board while manipulating with it. Avoid touching the chips, capacitors and other parts of the electronics.
Before you touch the electronics use any conductive (steel) structure nearby to discharge yourself.
Be extra cautious in the rooms with carpets, which are a source of electrostatic energy.
Clothes from wool and certain synthetic fabrics can easily gather static electricity. It is safer to wear cotton clothing.
WARNING: This device utilizes UV light, which can harm your eyesight or skin. Do not turn the device ON until it is fully reassembled with all the covers installed!!!
Regular rewards are crucial!
Regular rewards are crucial!
Building the SL1 printer is a challenge unlike any other and you should treat yourself for every milestone you reach. That is why a bag of Haribo Bears is included!
After you finish each stage of this assembly guide, you will be given a specific amount of sweets to eat.
Don't eat all the bears before you start or at once! Not following instructions will have serious consequences, we are currently assembling Prusa Haribo tactical squad for this matter.
Eating more or fewer bears than prescribed in the manual might lead to fatigue or nausea. Please consult a professional in the closest candy store.
Hide the Haribo for now! From our experience, an unattended bag with sweets tends to suddenly disappear. We are still investigating this phenomenon.
All information provided in this step is based on a long-term very serious research study ;)
How to successfully finish the assembly
How to successfully finish the assembly
Always read all the instructions at the current step first, it will help you to understand, what you need to do. Don't cut or trim unless you are told to!!!
Don't follow pictures only! It is not enough, the written instructions are as brief as they could be. Read them.
Read the comments from the other users, they are a great source of ideas. We read them too and based on your feedback, we improve the manual and the entire assembly process.
Use a reasonable force, the printed and aluminium parts are tough, but not unbreakable. If it doesn't fit, check your approach twice.
Eat the gummy bears as instructed! Disobedience won't be tolerated :D
Most important: Enjoy the build, have fun. Cooperate with your kids, friends or partners. However, we take no responsibility for possible fights ;)
You can use your own tools (e.g. pliers for easier screw insertion). In the case of electronic screwdriver, make sure the torque is set to low and proceed carefully.
READY? You can start by assembling the printer in the next chapter - 2. Base & Tower
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