• English

Pressure Advance

Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 months ago
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Pressure Advance aims to improve the quality of printed parts by compensating for the pressure changes in the nozzle during printing. 

It replaces Linear Advance on MK4/S, MK3.9/S, XL, and MINI/+, from firmware version 5.0.0 and above. 

It is possible to find Linear Advance commands, M900, even on printers that support Pressure Advance. In that case, old M900 K commands are automatically converted 1:1 to Pressure Advance value.

The Pressure Advance value is set based on the latest command, either M900 (converted 1:1 to Pressure Advance value) or M572. 

M572 GCode

The Buddy-firmware-specific GCode M572 is used to set parameters for Pressure Advance. 

  • D<value>: Set the extruder number.
  • S<value>: Set the pressure advance value. If zero the pressure advance is disabled.
  • W<time>: Set a time range in seconds used for calculating the average extruder velocity for pressure advance. The default value is 0.04. 

PrusaSlicer default start GCode

The default start GCode includes an M572 command that sets Pressure Advance parameters. The example screenshot below is taken from the start GCode of an MK4/S print. 

In this example, the S parameter changes, depending on the nozzle diameter. 

We recommend keeping the default S parameter, optimized for most applications on our printers. 

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