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Basic info

Ultem, also known as PEI (Polyetherimide), is a high-performance thermoplastic material ideal for 3D printing. Its extreme resistance to heat and chemicals makes it an excellent choice for demanding applications. With a temperature range from -70°C to over 200°C, Ultem offers high stability and strength across a wide range of environments. While it requires stable printing conditions and specialized equipment, the results are precise and durable. Ultem is particularly suitable for the automotive, aerospace, medical device industries, and prototyping, handling the challenges of even the most demanding environments.

Recommended nozzle temperature: 
Recommended bed temperature: 
Nozzle Temp: 415-430 °C     /380 - 420 °C in our Handbook - need to verify
Chamber Temp: 85-90 °C
Bed Temp: 150-155 °C         /145 - 155 °C in our Handbook - need to verify


PEI 9085 and PEI 1010



✔ High-temperature resistance (over 200°C)

✖ Higher cost

✔ Exceptional chemical resistance

✖ Susceptible to warping

✔ Radiation resistance

✖ Square objects are prone to warping.

✔ Suitable as an insulating material

✖ Highly hygroscopic (absorbs moisture) – requires
drying at 130°C and use of a dry box

✔ Self-extinguishing

✖ Requires adhesives for better adhesion to the print

✔ Dimensional stability during printing

✖ Support removal can be difficult

Best use


Tips for successful printing

Clean and calibrate the printer.
Use a drybox to keep filament dry.

Speed: Slower than usual.
Adhesion: 2-3 layers of Magigoo HT, use a brim.

Use a brim to enhance adhesion.

Monitor the print closely.
Remove print quickly to avoid stress.
Remove supports while warm.

Temperature settings and cooling



Sample prints



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