• English

LCD menu (HT90)

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Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 days ago
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The Prusa Pro HT90 is operated through a touch screen. The screen is used to operate the printer, and it will show you images of the processes to be done on the printer.

  • Home
  • Print
  • More
      • Move
      • Extrude
      • Temperature
          • Extruder
          • Heater bed
          • Heater chamber
          • PLA
          • PETG
          • ABS
          • ASA
          • PA
          • PA-CF
          • PC
          • PC-CF
          • PEEK
          • PEI 1010
          • PEI 9085
          • PSU
          • PPS
          • PPSU
          • PES
      • Nozzle change
      • Service position
      • System
      • Settings
          • Printer Name
          • Door Sensor [On/Off]
          • Filament Sensor [On/Off]
          • Estimated Time Method [Auto (default)/File/Filament Used/Slicer]
          • Screen Power Off time [1 minute/2 minutes/5 minutes/15 minutes/30 minutes/1 hour/2 hours/4 hours]
          • Prusa Connect
          • Security
          • Privacy
              • System info Minimal [On/Off]
              • System Info Full [On/Off]
              • Statistics Print Basic [On/Off]
              • Statistics Print Extended [On/Off]
              • Statistics Region [On/Off]
              • Diagnostics [On/Off]
          • Time Zone
              • Africa
              • America
              • Antarctica
              • Asia
              • Atlantic
              • Australia
              • Europe
              • Pacific
          • Import Config
          • Backup Config
          • Factory Reset
      • Network 
  • Light
  • Load
      • PLA
      • PETG
      • ABS
      • ASA
      • PA
      • PA-CF
      • PC
      • PC-CF
      • Flex
  • Unload
  • Pause
  • Cancel
  • Tuning
      • Z-/Z+
      • Speed-/Speed+
      • Extrusion-/Extrusion+
      • Hotend-/Hotend+
      • Bed-/Bed+
      • Chamber-/Chamber+
  • Settings
      • Printer Name
      • Door Sensor [On/Off]
      • Filament Sensor [On/Off]
      • Estimated Time Method [Auto (default)/File/Filament Used/Slicer]
      • Screen Power Off time [1 minute/2 minutes/5 minutes/15 minutes/30 minutes/1 hour/2 hours/4 hours]
      • Prusa Connect
      • Security
      • Privacy
          • System info Minimal [On/Off]
          • System Info Full [On/Off]
          • Statistics Print Basic [On/Off]
          • Statistics Print Extended [On/Off]
          • Statistics Region [On/Off]
          • Diagnostics [On/Off]
      • Time Zone
          • Africa
          • America
          • Antarctica
          • Asia
          • Atlantic
          • Australia
          • Europe
          • Pacific
      • Import Config
      • Backup Config
      • Factory Reset

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