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  • P2P - program odměn Prusa to Prusa community

    P2P - program odměn Prusa to Prusa community

    Pokud jste nadšenec do 3D tisku a máte jak Prusa Account tak účet na Printables.com, máte jedinečnou možnost se zapojit do P2P - Prusa to Prusa community reward program (P2P ...

  • For Creators

    For Creators

    Set up process Entry into the Club program is limited to users with a profile level of 18 and higher, as well as a follower count of 150 or more. This ...

  • For Supporters

    For Supporters

    Why to support creators If you appreciate the work of a creator and would like to see more of their models in the future, consider supporting them. It's a significant gesture ...

  • About


    Give your fans an opportunity to support your passion for design on a monthly basis. It is easy: simply set up your own Club and let them subscribe. In return, ...

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