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Preheat the nozzle!

Last updated 4 years ago
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The error message Preheat the nozzle! occurs when you are loading new filament and the nozzle did not reach the needed temperature to do so.

The minimum temperature for loading a new filament is 190°C. However, it is recommended to select the actual recommended printing temperature of the material you want to load in. 


  1. Make sure the nozzle is preheated. The indication of the current temperature is visible on the main LCD screen.
  2. You can preheat the nozzle in LCD Menu - Preheat - select material or it can be done manually through LCD Menu - Settings - Temperatures.
  3. Wait until the required temperature is met, then you can put the new filament inside the extruder opening.
  4. After that, you can load the filament through LCD Menu - Load filament
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