
How do Prusameters on Printables work?

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Prusameters is our unique reward system on Printables.com.

You can collect Prusameters for various actions and achievements. Prusameters then can be exchanged for a real spool of Prusament filament and various other physical rewards.

The process is as follows: Collect enough Prusameters => Choose a reward => Wait for the approval and sending of the voucher => Redeem the voucher in the e-shop

Prusameters and physical rewards

Every user gets an empty virtual spool of Prusament, which is displayed in the top right corner next to your avatar on Printables.com. By performing various activities, you can fill up the spool with special points called Prusameters.

When you upload a new model, the system starts tracking its performance (downloads and likes) over a 30-day period. There are up to four milestones you can hit during this period. For each consecutive milestone, you’ll get a higher amount of Prusameters. Once the 30-day period ends, the internal counters are reset but the earned Prusameters remain in your account. 

There are four milestones you can hit with your models repeatedly every 30 days:

10 Prusameters for 30 downloads and 3 likes of your model
50 Prusameters for 100 downloads and 10 likes of your model
100 Prusameters for 200 downloads and 15 likes of your model
200 Prusameters for 400 downloads and 20 likes of your model

You can also get non-recurring rewards for these actions:

20 Prusameters for completed profile - avatar, bio, location, languages
10 Prusameters to publish a model. Up to 10 new models in total.
5 Prusameters to create a collection. Up to 3 non-empty collections.
From 1 to 10 Prusameters to upload a make. Up to 100 Prusameters per calendar month.

We appreciate it if you add a quality rating and upload makes regularly. A make of a model that already has many makes is rewarded with fewer Prusameters. You are not rewarded for the make of your own model, and for the second and subsequent makes of the same model.

Your virtual spool will become visually full at 350 Prusameters, however, there’s no limit on how many Prusameters you can earn in total. The number we’ve picked is not accidental – 350 meters of filament is exactly what you can find on a real spool of Prusament. So, it only makes sense that 350 Prusameters is what you need to get a voucher for a 100% discount on a real spool of Prusament PLA, PETG, or ASA.

The vouchers are being approved manually to prevent abuse of the reward system. It can therefore take up to 2 weeks before they are approved and sent to you. Only one voucher per order can be applied.

Please note that once you exchange Prusameters for a voucher, that voucher is bound to the selected rewards and cannot be changed to a different type of reward. It also cannot be changed back to Prusameters.

You can find the current list of available rewards on the Printables Rewards page. When you choose the reward you want, you’ll receive a voucher for our e-shop that will get you a 100% discount on the selected item.

Example of Prusameter reward calculation

Let’s say you upload a new model and it reaches 300 downloads and 30 likes during one of the 30-day periods. This grants you a total of 160 Prusameters:

10 points for the first milestone (30 downloads and 3 likes)
50 points for the second milestone (100 downloads and 10 likes)
100 points for the third milestone (200 downloads and 15 likes)

Tips to avoid voucher request rejection:

1) Upload only models that you designed or remixed
2) Upload quality photos of your own makes
3) The model in the make photo must match the 3D model
4) Don't upload an excessive amount of makes of miniature few-gram models
5) Do not upload the photo to multiple different models

The Prusameters reward system is governed by PRINTABLES Terms and Conditions.